
New Zealand | 11 Days in a Campervan

In April 2015, my wife and I spent 11 days traveling through the South Island of New Zealand in a small campervan.  As a couple who loves fresh air, big views, and exploring new areas, New Zealand was a dream come true. We knew it would be a fun adventure, but we never imaged how quickly we would grow to love the beautiful, diverse landscape of this country. 
Though we only had enough time to visit the south island of the country, we’re both looking forward to someday going back to explore the north island as well. In the meantime, I can’t help but recommend the South Island of New Zealand as a bucket list destination.
For those who are planning a New Zealand Campervan Trip and are interested seeing the itinerary we used, please feel free to reach out to me directly. I would be happy to share it with you or answer questions if I can.

Campervan Rental: Wilderness New Zealand
100% Pure New Zealand

We made a VIDEO! Click here to watch it!

In cased you missed it, we created a VIDEO of our trip. You can watch it here: